Venus of Hohle Fels 35000 years old
"Beauty evokes a feeling of pleasure. This pleasure is closely connected with our infantile desire for security. Those forms or shapes which we associate with the satisfaction of this desire for security will forever give us that sense of complete satisfaction. In so far as the child's original notions of security are connected with the form of his mother, the curves and tactile planes in the human form are the origin of this satisfaction. The artist draws on these areas of security when he depicts the human body. The love for these human shapes is then transfered to similar shapes in the world at large" Mark Rothko

Princesse X Brancusi 1915
Feminine changed into masculine ( we can associate the image to the phallic representations of antiquity) becomes the eternal androgyne, the complete primordial "être", the origin of humanity as was described by the oldest religions of the world.

"Eros" Pionteki Kehrlein 1984
Antiquity relates all their abstractions to expressions of the human personality, and do so thoroughly, that they provide the artist with the most enviable sort of vehicle for the representation of his plastic notions. For, from the begining of things, the human figure has always been the artist's most complete examplification of plastic coherence.
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