"Ancient Silence", Beverly Pepper,2009 ©Beverly Pepper
"The abstract language of form that I have chosen has become a way to explore an interior life of feeling...I wish to make an object that has a powerful presence,but is at the same time inwardly turned,seeming capable of intense self-absorption" Beverly Pepper. This quote keeps ringing in my ears, as it is essentially what Malevich was painting in "Composition White on White", and what I am expressing in "Hero".

"Hero" Pionteki Kehrlein
This morning when I saw "Ancient Silence" for the first time, my heart gave a huge leap, AND the sculptor is 88 years old!
Here I was thinking that nothing was happening outside the "ART MARKET", that we had all sold out to "THE MAN", but no, this lady is keeping the flame lit. By the way for you New Yorkers she is showing right now at Marborough.
"One Pixel" Yana Kehrlein
Yana isolated one pixel from a photograph of a Valasquez painting and printed it out 34.3cm x 34.3cm. Yana is "moderate suprematist".
Hello, great forms, simple and... mystical objects, congratulations! Jack Martin Korbus